Hamsa-Hand, Weath & Protection Candle
Hamsa-Hand, Weath & Protection Candle - (Green/Gold, 8cm and 2cm thick).
Hand-Made with White-Sage essential oils and dried, loose White-Sage pieces.
Hamsa-Hand, Weath & Protection Candle
The Hamsa, or the Hand of Fatima, is a symbolic hand which represents protection and good fortune, has been used for centuries to ward off evil and bring luck, in both Jewish and Islamic cultures. Relating to Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Mohammed (the founder of Islam), and Miriam, the sister of Moses, this symbol directly correlates back to various religions and cultures.
Green Candle Meaning
Money / Growth / Abundance / Luck / Prosperity / Health and Fertility / Earth Element (Nature) / Heart Chakra (4th).
White-Sage Essential Oil Benefits
Used in aromatherapy applications, the scent of Sage Oil is known to cerebrally, emotionally, and spiritually stimulate and clarify the mind while exhibiting a balancing, uplifting, soothing, and strengthening effect on the senses to ease negative moods such as fatigue.
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